Friday, March 20, 2009

March 20th, 2009

Hello! Today's post is about Jewelry! And I present to you..


How about them apples?! I went museum hopping today and of course it's mandatory to visit the jewelry exhibit! Yes, I tried to take pictures of the Hope diamond, but it was "hopeless" haha. It was spectacular though.

The picture above are big honking sapphires. The one on the right (if the picture shows up right) is about as big as a fist! So sparkly! The color is amazing and the diamonds are amazing.

There were tons of people there, but I got to see some of my other favorites, the Hooker Emerald, the colored diamonds, the big Diadem. Wow *swoon*. Ah to be an heiress!

What is your favorite gemstone?

1 comment:

  1. Mine probably IS the Hope Diamond. I don't know if I ever told you that my mother went to a party at Hillwood back in the 40s and EW McLean got her jewelry out for a show and tell. My mom held and tried on the Hope Diamond. She went on to survive McCarthy's assult on the civil service in the 50s, marriage to my Dad, raising me and mothering lord knows how many cats. She may be the only person on the planet that rock brought good luck to.
